Several months ago I was searching for inspiration and ideas, I needed to get out and about shooting some interesting stuff. Every¨PR opportunity’ I was presented with was the same old, same old, and if I’d got one more response saying “We love your work but do you have any more pictures of pretty details?” I would have lost the will to live.
Like many other photographers I’m guilty of not photographing enough variation, especially in the “Off” season. A creative person, whatever they do, needs to keep themselves motivated, their ideas fresh and their inspiration flowing… but unfortunately I’m not the kind of person that can just get up and photograph something random.
It’s not a coincidence that the majority of the photographers I admire all have (or once had) strong journalistic/documentary backgrounds. I realised that the concept of telling short stories through photography, combined with creative writing, seemed the perfect answer to my dilemma.
So after ruling out sending off submission after submission to a million different blogs, and thinking along the lines of what kind of magazine/blog/social media I would want to read myself, I spoke to Natali from Pearl PR and we (mainly her) came up with the idea of Click the C.
So what is Click the C and what does it do?
Well in a nutshell it’s an image-centric blog/on-line magazine featuring inspiring articles about the beauty of the Costa del Sol, its people and their passions. We were so sick and tired of the cheap and negative press this stunning coastline receives, we thought it was high time we changed people’s perception of the area through the creative power of words and pictures.
Our aim is to document a wide range of people and stories over the coming months (hopefully years) to truly reflect what this area has to offer and the people that make it so great.
I really hope you enjoy Click The C, the characters we’ve interviewed, the places we’ve discovered, and of course the photography and writing. Let us know what you think!
CHECK IT OUT! and please like the FB page.

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