About that time again! Its been 3 years since I last changed my site and am very excited to show off the new look. I had a fairly clear idea of what I wanted ( or so I thought ) until Kristin politely explained that most of my ideas were not entirely practical! So back to the drawing board. I was very keen to use a designer that did not solely work with wedding photographers but had a broad portfolio and Kirstin Falkner was the perfect fit.
My branding I decided to keep but I needed to take a slightly different direction visually to make the most of my content. Over the years I had probably 5 or 6 websites, admitedlly I did change things a little too often early on but the main aim of the new site was to categorize the content and make is easily available.
I have around 200 weddings featured on my new blog all of which are now easy to access and are separated by several categories, including, destinations, style, venue etc and all with thumbnail views. This is really the only site I have built in reverse? once we knew it was all about the content the site took shape pretty quickly and with very few drop down menus making it very easy and fast for clients to navigate through lots of work quickly and refine searches without having to type or view boring menus, I wanted something visually striking and I think thats exactly what I got.
Really hope you all enjoy the new site! and a huge thanks to Kirstin Falkner and look forward to Ruth´s site coming in the next few days.
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